
James of the Great Midwest sent me an email with this link.  It's to a video of the debut last year of Danny Todd, a new up-and-comer at the Northern Wrestling Federation in Cincinnati.  Todd, of course, loses the match to the veteran, the Fitness Machine.

The email also contains the terse disclaimer that Danny is "a lil too guido for me."  Well, James, I'm a charter member of the Carolinas Chapter of Guido Rescue and Placement, so you can crate that smooth salon-tan muscle and FedEx him to my house.  I'll be more than happy to give him a home and free range to romp and play to his heart's content.

The little I can find on Todd is that he plays pretty large with the Ohio fans, as you might imagine, and, as of last summer, he is one half, with Matt Stephens, of the NWF Tag Team Champions, named (perhaps inevitably) the Rookies.

Apart from a few other videos on YouTube, all underlit and shot (it looks like) sixty feet away from the ring, there's not a lot of footage on Todd--and nothing there to stir my emotions the way they like to be stirred.  The best caps I can grab on him show him out of the ring, but if you've got more and better, I'd like to see it.  This kid looks like prime scrapbook material to me.


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