
After the rest of his team did not show, Jason Wayne brought in two friends, Johnny Spade and Shiloh Jonze, to help him beat the so-called Mascagni Family: Marcus Anthony, Jessie Godderz, and Rudy Switchblade in a six-man tag match. Charles Parrish supplies beauteous images of Sunday's Ohio Valley Wrestling match from start to finish (which I have not yet seen in motion), but, sorry, right now my eyes are too dazzled by Godderz, 5'9", 193#, to see anything but.

I have a feeling Godderz is somebody I'm not supposed to like--reality TV star and all that--and, honestly, I don't know for sure that I do like him. I have not seen the man in motion much, and one thing that I have learned from porn and wrestling is that how a man moves is 90% of whether a man moves me. I have seen many a pretty boy who caught my eye in the ads be totally upstaged by some unphotogenic skinny, bucktooth nobody who has the charisma, attitude, fight, and moves that the pretty boy does not. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but with the right smirk, the right swagger, and a figure-four leg lock, who the fuck needs words or pictures?


  1. I take it from your posts after this on Godderz, that you decided you do like the way he moves? ;)


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