Mug Shots versus Selfies







It's time for Tumblr to start a spinoff called Tusslr, in which hot guys in mug shots (check out my source, Hot & Busted) square off in the ring or cage or on the mat against hot guys who take selfies (pretty much everywhere you look on the Internet--and I am glad I lived to see the day). I have to love the guy (top left) who makes a proper bully face for his mug shot, but I see Team Selfie walking off with all the gold in this show, except for the fourth match, which Mug Shot will probably take. The closing main event pulls me in two directions at once, which means it's going to be a scorcher.

I've been fascinated with bad guys since I was a kid (at age eight my favorite actors were Vincent Price and Boris Karloff), though my real kink is for quiet, deadpan, usually decent types who don't blink at taking a fight as rough and savage as it needs to go (enter Johnny Weissmuller). So as you might notice, even my picks for Team Mug Shot lean heavily towards a certain type: preachers' kids gone wild, attention-craving backsliders who need some age-appropriate hard ass with high-grade macho to knock them down a peg or two.


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