
Paul Hudson has something against suntans, especially the pretty nut-brown glaze on babyface Denny Cartier in BG East's soon-to-be-released Wrestleshack 19. Last week BGE posted these preview photos and more on its membership site The Arena@BGEAST.

This strip match against Cartier is unmissable, as far as I'm concerned. Hudson is a wrestler's wrestler, you might say. The man puts his heart and bone into every match, one of the toughest competitors I've seen and a graduate of the Black Mamba School of Charm. No GQ model, no competition bodybuilder, no willowy twink, the man wrestles ... and wrestles hard and mean.

But sorry, fans of squash jobs: Cartier does not offer himself up as a sunbaked sacrifice to the pale-bodied heel. He fights back. This surprisingly tough and resourceful wrestler belongs, has perhaps always belonged, in the Wrestleshack against wrestlers in his own weight class. Cartier and Hudson together make beautiful, fulminating chemistry. This is main event stuff, for lovers of grunt, ride, writhe, choke, hogtie, and grimace battles.


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