Towering Rage

Quinn Harper vs Axel, Match 667 - Ball Busting from the Lost Video Collection (UCW)

Nobody busts balls like Quinn Harper. I sometimes remember him as the first ball-buster at UCW, but I'm sure that's wrong. That distinction belongs to one of the pre-UCW veterans, Joker or Angel, probably. But nobody low-blows with such sadistic glee. Others try, rolling their eyes at the camera and putting on their best lascivious faces, but they can't hold a candle to Quinn.

When Quinn busts somebody's balls, he clenches his eyes shut as if experiencing a deeply interior orgasm. The camera and the fans at home don't seem to matter. In Quinn, I sense somebody who unashamedly takes pleasure in knowing he's hurting his opponent. Often he can't stop himself from biting or dry-humping the guy for no clear reason. (Unless I'm mistaken, Quinn did introduce the latter to UCW.) His unique trademark is to penetrate his adversary with the "anal intruder," wetting his thumb with saliva and poking it up the victim's butt crack.

To judge by this match, he hasn't tempered his deliciously bad behavior. His opponent here, Axel, in a college-style singlet, was the target of Quinn's working-class rage from the beginning. Quinn is still pissed-off at the world ... and loving it. For at least the first half of this custom match, Axel is the abject victim of Harper's quasi-erotic temper tantrums. Axel manages to fight back, but he's almost certainly doomed to feel the full force of Quinn's towering rage before the match's end.

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