Do the Humpty Hump

Axel vs Jason Anders, Match 692 - Hump Match (UCW)

I'm pretty sure the hump match is UCW's invention. Unless I'm mistaken it was introduced last year in a custom-order match between Tyson the Hammer and Max Ryder. Then Tyson passed the idea on to Axel early this year, and Ryder, to Chase Michaels. But humping as a combat strategy goes at least as far back as Krush, probably further back than that.  It took UCW to turn it into a particular match type. Axel explains the "rules" to rookie Jason Anders and the fans at home: ten consecutive humps and the match is won. Pins, submissions, and knockouts don't count - though if a man is knocked out, it should be fairly easy to hump him ten times.

The varieties of hump include scissor hump, against-the-wall hump, chinlock hump, and figure-four hump. Jason is game for the contest - and, more importantly, he's a biter, which proves he's a good fit for the promotion, but I wouldn't bet on him in a fight against Axel. Anders is aggressive and quick to see the fun in plowing his crotch into Axel again and again - and who wouldn't? But, as expected, Axel dominates him for over half the match. Axel wears a red-trimmed white singlet that looks like a traffic cone. A healthy bulge like Axel's has to be an advantage in a hump match. And this has to be one of the sweeter examples of the genre. 

Visit UCW here.


  1. Even though hump matches are UCW's thing, IMHO the hottest hump I've seen is Drake Marcos vs Axel in UNDAGEAR 25. Axel is so mesmerizingly vicious and dominant and I LOVE it.


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