Man in Black Trunks

Chris Ridgeway vs Kelly Sixx (start at 22:00), 9 February 2019 (Frontline Wrestling)

If I made a GIF for every spinetingling spot in this match, I might be up all night. Chris Ridgeway is a fantastic ring performer who mixes classic British wrestling slapstick (notably the fourth GIF below) with strong-style roughhouse. Every time I see him at work, I am convinced that he is my favorite wrestler - and he just may be. It helps that in this match Kelly Sixx's jobbing is fantastic, every bit as electric as Chris's lightning-strike attacks.

Some of the moves look sped up, but the speed is all in Ridgeway's and Sixx's delivery - no camera tricks needed. And Kelly has some very good spots too, though, in my opinion, they lack the spark and viciousness that make Chris's attacks spellbinding. Kelly is the blond, honey-tan fashion plate with the sort of sass that inspires heels to squash him. Unless you're a Trophy Boy or Ravishing Rick Rude, black trunks, very tight, and boots are all you need to dress like the perfect heel. To be a heel, though, you must be scary good.  It's not the threads you pose in as much as the threat you pose.

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