
Ares vs  Ivan Guerrero (Hunkswrestling)

Two of Hunkswrestling's hottest and toughest wrestling hunks hit the mat to settle which one's the harder and stronger. The anxiously awaited clash is a slow burn, accelerating as tempers rise and sweaty muscles gleam under the studio lights. Ares, in black, the bigger and heavier of the two, is named after the Greek god of war, while Guerrero's surname means warrior. With these monikers, the two were destined to come to blows sooner or later, and thankfully the wait was short. Their contempt for each other is literally spelled out in English subtitles. 

Though the two grapple, they are eager to punch it out and prove their mettle in vigorous Fight Club-style. Both are heartless in their attacks, and it's easy to imagine that each wants not just a victory here but the privilege of beating the shit out of the other guy. My daydream recasts the action as a brother-vs-brother feud, one of my favorite fantasies, one I forged early in life as an only child. They do resemble each other, and there's the matter of kindred names as well. Somewhat less measured than Hunkswrestling's previous releases, Guerrero vs Areas delivers some persuasively brutal body blows. Kick ass, muchachos!

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  1. You are right, those two hunks look alike! both are too sexy, also they do a good job with all the strikes and punches. I like the contrast they have at their personalities too, one too serious and the other one too cocky


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