Real Man

Max Ryder holds a plush Ultimate Warrior doll as an example of a "real man." He derides the new hire for posting videos of himself straining to lift what Max argues are "fake weights" and acting like they weigh five hundred pounds. Anton says that at least, unlike Max, he doesn't use steroids. Max wants Anton to kiss his doll. Anton shrugs and slams Ryder's balls from behind.

We live in a fabricated world, engulfed in celebrities, fake news, virtual reality, impossible burgers, copies of copies of copies, decaffeinated coffee, and "friends" we never see in person. How many times have I presented my wrestling fantasies as good as, if not superior to, actual, real wrestling?  The world these days is the blue pill. 

Yet nothing's more gospel than a low blow to the nuts.

New guy Anton Alvarez is the unknown factor in this debut match against Max. It becomes clear early on that he is no pushover and that he is not easily intimidated. Max's cheap shots are quickly and roundly answered in kind, yet Max is confident in his ability to last long enough to land the final blow. Anton's survival skills are unknown, and the match tests his mettle and provides some clue as to his future standing at UCW.

The match ends with a knee to the balls and a slow merciless three count. 

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Visit UCW here.


  1. great match up. I'd like to see Alverez in a series of fights leading up to a title fight for the belt.

    1. I, too, see championship potential in Alvarez.


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