Two-Minute Squash

Flash beats up on Dan Kennedy.

This is probably worth seeing in its entirety if for no other reason than that Flash, my favorite NRW brawler, is in it, with a tough new haircut and some fresh muscle packed on.

It does raise the question, though, that, if it's going to be so slow-moving, couldn't the fight at least be more real?

Frankly, anything with 6'2" Flash doing some damage (however balletic) in tight black speedos is going to earn my full attention. And teenage boy-next-door Kennedy in tight blues is frosting on the beefcake.

But just imagine (and I'm about to, trust me) how much more wonderful this match would be if Flash and DK decided to duke it out for real (or even half-real) and either one of them actually worked up a sweat!

So, um, excuse me while I put my thinkin cap on ...

(See more vids like this at wrestleclone on YouTube.)


  1. I always thought NRW stood for No REAL Wrestling.

  2. I like NRW and am a big fan of some of the wrestlers, but I'm definitely glad that there are some other sources for real (or at least more realistic) fights.


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