Things That Go Bump in the Night

Zack Reno vs "?" Match 738 -  The Halloween Match 2020 (UCW)

Quite literally, the wind is howling outside my window. Brittle, rust-colored leaves gyrate against the mummified sky like spirits of the dead. The house I live in is unaccustomedly silent, my dog asleep at my feet, my fingers tapping out the letters of this sentence. Usually the house creaks, a residence once occupied by workers in the town's now-vanished tobacco factory. Now the squat building seems too afraid to creak. A gift from a few eccentric friends in New Castle has arrived ...

The annual Halloween fight.

This year's is the best of UCW's increasingly elaborate holiday specials. BodySlam invites UCW Champion Zack Reno on a ghost hunt. The objective is to contact a legendary phantom, a dead wrestler who once every ten years lures another wrestler into the haunted ring for a taste of the rough and tumble he once enjoyed. 

Little does Zack know that he is entering a spectral realm with a curse upon his forehead ...

The match is one of UCW's hottest, probably the best of Zack's run-ins with a tough but not-to-be-named opponent. But the real star of the show is the ring itself, bedecked with jack-o'-lanterns, faerie lights, drooping cobwebs, and fog. Zack must battle for his life - mano a mano with a phantom cloaked like Mr. Death himself. The video is a small but gripping spectacle, not to be missed. It really captures the mood of the holiday ...

spooky, fun, and unpredictable.

Visit UCW here.


  1. I think this is more proof that this is a company who quite honestly is stuck in their ways. Nothing changes with this group ever and every wrestling company that has been successful changes up every few years the product they produce. The idea that they refuse to have a business model like BG East, they refuse the monthly membership idea, the watching of the video without having to download it and just produce the same style match over and over again just with different bodies playing a part.

  2. I personally enjoy ucw matches , they are trying to change from just normal matches with a thyme to story line matches, what else can you do when you wrestle. I agree about introducing membership fees , but that takes money to set up, i say long live U.C.W. , I am a fan and always will be. As for the Halloween match, I say buy it then comment ,I have and its great.


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