Be the Bully

Max Ryder vs Axel, Match 851 - Oil Match (UCW)

Max and Axel tap into their killer instincts again for this oil match, a type of match usually played for laughs and cheap thrills in barrooms. Don't expect any comic relief in this contest. Max achieves his personal best by turning up the rage factor - up to BROIL. He has evolved as a heel over the years and now he is Axel's first serious competition since the Eli Black days. Axel's face shows that he knows this is going to be a tough and relentless contest. Somebody's gonna get hurt - hurt bad. This time Axel can't afford to rest on his laurels. Max knows all about those laurels, and he doesn't give a shit.

Both these men have gone darker over the years, more vengeful, merciless, and dangerous. Axel ditched his "don't be a bully" shtick long ago. Now he is the bully eight bouts out of ten. Ryder has been burned more than once in his rise to UCW regular. He's no longer the company's standby guy.  It has been over a year since he's faced Axel on camera, and that was a hump match. It's easy to believe that he's full of resentment towards Axel and UCW as a whole.

There are no good sports in this match. Both want to see the other guy suffer, by fair or foul means, and they have taken the best seat in the house - on top of the dude they want to destroy. 

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