Tight Squeeze

Yesterday, inspired by the favorable review at Inner Jobber and a dramatic teaser hinting that these two wrestlers really had it in for each other during this shoot (a touch of bad blood always quadruples the excitement), I checked out the just-released Movimus eight-rounder with Connor Flynn and Jimmy Reilly. 

Sean Pford at IJ says everything that needs saying about this fight. He assures us that the match is not a squash match, and it definitely isn't, but an end count of 6-2 is not exactly a dead heat. Still, every single tap-out is hard won, and once (after the opening warmup) the fighters get rolling, they don't come up for air. Jimmy's bigger. Connor's ornerier. The pair squeeze lots of legwork into 23 minutes and, especially towards the end, wear each other down to nubs in long, heaving, vise-tight clenches.

I like it.


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