He-Man Pageantry

Cena vs Kasee, War of Empires (UnderGround Wrestler)

More than anything else, UnderGround Wrestler's latest release reminds me of the poolside productions the Athletic Model Guild produced in the 1950s. For drama and action, it doesn't measure well against the Starz series Spartacus  or even most Steve Reeves movies, but Cena and Kasee gamely strike poses  and flex while mimicking Spartan combat prowess in a wrestling ring. As at AMG, nobody's taking himself too seriously here. The amateurism is endearing, actually, and the costumes and props add a little pageantry to the toned-down competition.

Fans who get off on costumes will get more from this video than I do. I was not a fan of costumes even when I was active in college and community theater. I love Halloween except for the dressing up. Personally I would have preferred watching Cena and Kasee wrestle in fundoshi or simple loincloths. But that's just me. I think the costumes detract from the wrestlers' athleticism and lend the scenario more a touch of Vegas than of ancient Sparta. Still, as I have already suggested, it would be a mistake to take any of this too seriously.

The personalities and physiques of the two stars hold my attention. I want to like the match because I like both of them. This, too, reminds me of AMG - up-for-anything youths dressing up, making a pageant of their youthful energy, muscles, and slaphappy exuberance, teasing their fans' expectations and inviting their worshipful gaze.

Visit UnderGround Wrestler here.


  1. It looks like a nicely balanced match. I'd love to see much more of Cena. However, he needs a more original name. Looking him up, guess who outnumbers him in results?


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