Greek Love

Johnny Greco vs Rex Brody, Catalog 22 - Boys Play Rough (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

Johnny Greco may be the smaller man, but an elbow to the balls, followed by a soccer kick to the same locality, could possibly even the playing field as he faces burly Rex Brody. Of course, two can play that game, and when Johnny aims low, Rex comes for him all guns blazing.

This is Rex's second match at MBW. He is new to me. My first impression is that he would make a great tag partner for Derek Bolt. My second impression is that I'd like to see them fight each other first. I've lusted for Johnny through three matches so far. He debuted against Bull Barrett (who debuted in the same match). Like Rex, Bull was a lot of man for Johnny to handle, but it looks like our Johnny is game for anything. His second match gave Johnny an opponent closer to him in height and weight, but the opponent was Jesse Zane, who has proved over and over that he's tough competition for wrestlers with even bigger muscles than Johnny has.

I know only what's on the MBW Wrestlers page, but I take it that Greco has Greek ancestry. That would partly account for his dashing good looks and hot hot hot hot hot body. I have been a fan of the Greeks since my freshman year at university - their chapter in the History of Western Civ textbook had the best pictures for stroking. Speaking of which, Johnny's me time with the cameraman before the match got me to thinking of discuses, sand pits (where ancient Greeks wrestled - our word arena means sand) and Alexander the Great. (I'm not a fan of the bowl-cut bangs, but if it comes with that Mediterranean profile, so be it.)

Rex is similarly struck by Johnny's muscly back and firm buttocks. "Well, well," he purrs as he enters the scene. "Where did they find you?" The lockups are thick with anticipation. Rex repeatedly slams Johnny's back to the wall and slaps his palms to those pecs, an understandably irresistible urge. "I'm done playing with you, boy," he declares and clotheslines Greco on the rebound. He follows with some stomping, bearhugs, and gut bashes - big-man energy filling the tiny fight space.

Johnny has a thin raspy gasp when hurt that - goddammit - makes me want to hurt him more. Rex responds similarly, and it looks like this fight will be one-sided to the end until eight minutes in, when Rex invites Johnny to beat on him. (I'd do the same, Rex. I would do the same.) Brody stands there and takes it, while Greco exhausts himself striking the big man's torso with fists and knees ... following up with a backbreaker stunner, which is when sweet Johnny jabs his elbow to Rex's bulge (third GIF above, yow), changing the whole tenor of the match.

I'll say no more. But even though these two don't turn into fuckbuddies at the end, the masses of flesh slapping against muscle offer enough of Eros - Greek god of love and sex, fathered by Chaos - to stir my lust.

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