
Eli Black vs Derrick Cole, Match 758 - Sagging Shorts - from the Lost Video Collection (UCW)

Seeing either of these guys in the ring is a treat. Eli is the scowling tough guy. Derrick is the maniac. Together, heel versus heel, they are an inspired match-up. They also look good in saggy shorts, like skaters or DMX. They eventually cast off the gear, but it's a slow process. It takes ten minutes (out of thirty-one) for the tops to come off. The saggy shorts do and don't come off.  A lot depends on what you mean by off  - to borrow Clintonesque semantics.

The match is at its best when the two play rough, which both are outstanding at, and most of the thirty-one minutes is spent roughing each other up. The best of it is quick and crisp. There are longer, more elaborate spots, but they are, in my opinion, less successful, but might have been great, given more preparation. The earlier ones - the Bugs Bunny tap (the third GIF) - are snappy and funny. Derrick peeling Eli off the ropes by his ears (the fourth GIF) has the right measure of practicality and cruelty.

All in all, the match is solid, not either man's sharpest performance, but a lot of fun to watch.

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