Cry Havoc

Bret Havoc vs Justin Myers, It's Dynamite! (New Wave Pro Wrestling)

It's all good, but I particularly love the last half of this match, especially that moment when the heel, "Beautiful" Bret Havoc, halts the three-count on Justin Myers because there's more hurt he'd like to inflict on the kid (see the 8th GIF above). This might have been the crucial moment in the summer of 2013 when a suntanned heel in black trunks slapped the snot out of the last skinny babyface in baggy shorts. There never was such a moment in actual history, but myth or not, I like my big bang theory of the death of pleather shorts. 

Jim in Nashville sent me the link to this fight last week. According to various internet sources, Myers and Havoc still freelance throughout the American Midwest. I'll hand it to the skinny pale kid: he puts up a great defense. Besides being manga-adorable, Myers is scrappy and fast, and he excels in stoking Havoc's fiery temper. His bellicose retaliation after Bret's dismissive slap (seen in the first and second GIFs above) is what stoked my interest in the match.

I love all the slugging and kicking in this fight. This is high-energy aggression done right.

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  1. I've been touching (if a Supreme can credibly claim that have you Boofed Yet is in no means a reference to jamming a hose up your ass and pouring beer down, then I'm claiming no inference to bating) myself to young Justin for some time now.

    a link to a more appropriately attired Justin, your welcome


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