A Man's Sexiest Face is His Fight Face

Gunnar Stone vs Jesse Zane, Catalog 14 - The Muscle Boys Get Erotic (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

A sentence in MuscleBoy's catalog description of  this big-vs-little match could not be truer: "Jesse is one of the toughest and most resilient boy toys on the planet." In this match, he gamely takes on man-monster Gunnar Stone, simply "Gunnar" at Thunder's Arena, who employs his carapace of steely muscle in an attempt not only to defeat Jesse but also to pulverize the winsome babyface's body. Perhaps it's no exaggeration to say, as the catalog states, that the walls of  MBW's fight room shake every time the handsome brute slams durable Jesse to the mat, which is (I estimate) once every couple of minutes.

Gunnar's physique adds wow to this match, but my attention is drawn mostly to Jesse. It's not just that he takes a lickin' like few other wrestlers of his size and build. It's also the wide range of facial expressions that radically change him from "cute" to "daunting" in a matter of a second. So as winsome as he is as the "cuddly little brother" at the start of his match, cross a line with him, as Gunnar does almost right off the bat, and he turns into "vengeful ninja" around, say, the 4:40 mark in this video. And that's not all. Zane has as many shades as Revlon, ranging from "Casanova seducer" to "scared bunny wabbit" to "Fantasy Elite Ass Thruster," sometimes transitioning from one to the other in seconds. The change can be startling, like somebody fed him after midnight.

That said, my usual complaint about big-vs-little or David-and-Goliath matches is that they stretch credulity. I don't mind its being fake. I mind its rubbing my nose in the fakery. However, after Gunnar goes after Jesse like Jesse took all his money, delivering a rampaging series of punishments - including the aforementioned body slams - and making no allowances for the two men's difference in size (another point in this all-out fight's favor), Jesse reciprocates with so much bam! I'm convinced he can wring the strongman's butt, 45-pound weight difference be damned.

All in all, the fight finds neither man holding back, and the sweaty action is convincing in its conformity to known laws of physics. Gunnar debuts at MuscleBoy proving his bad-ass creds and exhibiting an even shorter fuse than usual as he takes on Zane. In such a tight space, he's even scarier than he is in the squared circle. (I mean, he could snap and attack the cameraman next.) Jesse holds his own and then some, but the battle and the outcome do not insult the viewers' intelligence, climaxing in an altogether credible crotch-to-face three-count finish.

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