Love Taps

Scott Riley vs Jeremy Daniels, Catalog 14: The Muscle Boys Get Erotic (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

Matches like this one, I suspect, got this blog banned from Facebook ... for life. Facebook won't let you post a link to even the most innocuous posts on this blog. And positively not to this post and others like it. Jeremy and Scott are startlingly handsome, and clearly more interested in fucking than fighting each other. The theme of Catalog 14 is eroticism, so it's fitting that the wrestling is more a matter of light and mischievous foreplay than grunt-n-groan aggression. I do miss the aggression, though, and the grunts and groans.

Riley caught my eye mainly because he's a physical type I find attractive - clean cut, well built but in a low-key way, possibly military. No matter how many times Daniels body-slams him, Riley lands in the same position, one leg arched, a seductive come-on. Daniels is a favorite MBW regular - a dreamy top with a demonstrated capacity for hard, rough, and intense competition. The chemistry between the two is great, more sweet than spicy hot, more cuddly than intense. In fact, the lack of intensity makes this somewhat less gripping than I am used to at MuscleBoy. That's not necessarily a bad thing, by the way. It depends on what you're looking for.

Riley vs Daniels is a slight deviation from the MuscleBoy house style, but its balmy tone is one that has been quietly emerging in the promotion's releases this year. There has always been a romantic undercurrent at MuscleBoy - though more of the caveman-beats-and-fucks-caveman stripe than Romeo-hearts-Romeo. Scott and Jeremy treat each other gently and respectfully throughout, even in the first half, which ostensibly focuses on wrestling. This attitude climaxes - literally - in the second half.

I miss the cavemen and the jungle lords and the bad-boys and the heroes, but this video still charms me somewhat. Unlike some similar matches, the eroticism here isn't leering, rapey, closety, or manipulative. It doesn't come off like an after-party at Kevin Spacey's suite. It's mutual and consensual. Though technically pornographic, it isn't overcharged or theatrical.

I look forward to seeing more of these guys in future catalogs - possibly in more aggressive matches. I want to see their fierce side, but that's my personal taste. Even more of this casual sort of erotic playfulness would do. Scott and Jeremy are handsome and engaging, which is sometimes enough - in fact, for some it can be a nice break from the usual hyper-macho posturings.

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  1. Why can't promotions can't get it straight that there is an audience out there who want to see intense wrestling AND intense sex.? I'd prefer that was sequential, with no nudity or foreplay, just a hard fought match of high quality, with a definite loser, by submission or pins, followed by a triumphant victor thoroughly fucking said loser. That can be either rough and brutal, or sweet, romantic, and playful, just as long as it's a separate, independent entity, that just happen to be in the same venue. We, or at least I, want the best of both. Not a match that's little more than an excuse to get the opponent's together to screw or a sex act tagged on to a match for no better reason than because we can.

    I want that so bad, at least occasionally, and the vast majority of the time I'm disappointed and therefore frustrated. And that ideal may be out there, but I can't search everywhere to come upon it.

    Heck, it's hard to find matches that hit my sweet spot, though I've recently found a superb one: Kidd USA vs. Chad Conner, CyberFights 12 (2000). 31 minutes of mutual aggression and, for a long period, alternating advantage , speed, diverse holds and moves done skillfully, a true heel's heel that kicks his opponent when he's down and has a ego that, for once, is earned. When he poses and kisses his biceps, you want to add your lips to his and lick it with your tongue, as well. Both men are handsome and built exceptionally well.

    Now, this is a match that could be topped off with vigorous sex added to the face-off as it is.


    2. I think you are referring to a match between CHAD COLLYER and Kid USA rather than Chad Conner.

    3. TdC - We have similar tastes. MuscleBoy gets our craving for intensity in wrestling, but not every match targets you and me as its primary audience.

    4. Thanks Dolphin. However, I think this was a case of auto-correct falsely anticipating what I apparently wanted to write. My mistake was in not catching it before I published.

      I wish auto-correct was more consistant. Some I watch the options line and think that at anytime it's going to complete a word, but itt doesn't. Other times it produces really bizarre options.


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