The Devil You Know

Devil Devitt vs Paul Hudson, Pros in Private 13 (BG East)

Both Devil Devitt and Paul Hudson are superstars by anyone's definition, and to this day BG East distinguishes itself from the rest of underground wrestling with the number of indie pro wrestlers it has introduced to the underground. The pace and polish of this competition belong to the British World of Sport style of professional wrestling with quick reversals and taciturn shows of mutual respect - at first, anyway.

I did not warm up to Paul Hudson at first sight, but it did not take me long (roughly a quarter of the first match I saw him in) to become the fan I still am. The guy is tough as gristle, and his bully attitude puts him in league with BGE favorites like Cole Cassidy and Kid Karisma, roughnecks that are convincingly dangerous even when they're playing the good guy. Hudson is the human form of nitroglycerin in the ring, gazebo, or Wrestleshack, though unlike Cassidy or Karisma he is as likely to lose as to win.

You may remember Hudson and Devitt were tag team partners in Tag Team Torture 10. I suspect this match was shot about the same time as that one. Perhaps taking his cue from Devitt, Paul minds his manners at first. Yet however cavalierly he performs them, Devil attacks with stringent and punishing force, causing a frustrated and vengeful Paul to turn nasty in return, with kneecappings and other low blows that can pass for real. Evidently this is just the response Devitt was hoping for, justifying an unleashed chain of crippling moves for the final third of the battle.

BG East has been sitting on this one for a long time, not wanting to jinx Devitt's explosive career at NJPW (a legendary string of scene-stealing heelery) and now WWE NXT. Wholesome good looks with a hint  of perversity and a first-degree black belt in submission wrestling make Devitt impossible to tear one's eyes from. He and Hudson shine in one of BGE's most richly diverse must-have DVDs.

Visit BG East here.


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