Take Off

Ivan Guerrero vs Marlow (Hunkswrestling)

Having been broken in by Hunkswrestling maestro Steve Mason, Ivan and Marlow take each other on in their second match for the company. There's a ten-minute intro before we see the two studs together. As in his debut match, we see Guerrero at the beach, strutting his very struttable stuff and working out. These segments are intercut with shots of Marlow practicing capoeira moves in an outdoor space, which is later the match's setting.

The match itself is oddly paced. Marlow and Ivan circle each other slowly, then spring into an assault. Then there's another long pause - circling, shadowboxing, scowling - before we get the follow-up. Marlow is hotter here than I remember him, and he is well paired against Ivan. I'm not sure what to make of the match. It is different than anything I've seen before, even at Hunkswrestling. The battle unfolds in sudden spurts of aggression, but you can make and eat a sandwich in the breaks in between.

I would like to see these two guys go after each other again, but next time with more heat and greater momentum. Ivan and Marlow are primo specimens of masculine beauty. They should be either tearing into each other like sworn enemies or piling on like a couple of frisky puppies. There's only so much glowering I need to see. Kick some ass, men!

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  1. Be aware that a few days after I blogged on this match, Hunkswrestling released a version with English subtitles, which add drama to the wrestlers' confrontation and contribute greatly to the chemistry between hunks Marlow and Ivan Guerrero.


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