
Christian Thorn vs Lobo Gris, Oil Wrestling (Wrestler4Hire)

The combination of high key lighting and dark background - deepening from Parrish-blue dusk to pitch black - makes this video look three dimensional. The visual effect reminds me of old View-Master reels, and the illusion is intensified by the glow of oil on the bodies of Christian Thorn and Lobo Gris. In this 2021 contest crazy-hot Thorn takes on boy-next-door Lobo, and the matchup is as close to perfection as possible, sending kink-waves that will hit Mars well before before SpaceX does.

Christian's remarkable body of work and amazing body have always been top-notch - as showpieces of physical culture and highly theatrical wrestling. He sells like nobody else, and even when hired to job, he fights to win (or so it seems). His overheated performance style when suffering makes him an ideal jobber, but his heel moments deserve closer study. Here, for instance, note his cocky self-assurance in the top GIF or his eye-popping blend of eroticism and rigor in the fourth GIF.

Lobo Gris became everybody's darling with his UCW debut last summer. It's hard to believe he's been an underground wrestler for only nine months. It's because he came to UCW, then MuscleBoy, then W4H as a fully formed superstar. Everybody loves and wants a piece of Lobo. (I'm irked that I was too soon robbed of the illusion that he was my exclusive discovery.) The combination of his easygoing personality and his merciless wrestling style put him on everybody's radar.

Attractive, self-confident wrestlers and a gallon of baby oil make this 27-minute Wrestler4Hire match a must-see. It's now stuck in my imagination for who knows how long.

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  1. Just from these gifs alone, I've never seen a sexier oil match. Absolutely brilliant use of the darkening background and strong lighting.


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