Hell Trio

D.Dan vs Marco Napoli vs Etienne, X-treme Shot Paris-12 (Wrestlingmale)

The setup is that two guys wrestle first, the  match winner immediately takes on the odd man, then the winner of that contest goes on to face the first man out, and so on. The contestants are D.Dan from Switzerland with the red elbow pads, Marco from Italy with the beard, and Wrestlingmale boss and head trainer Etienne from France in black. 

Not one of them is under forty years of age. I love (and I mean I LOVE) watching energetic men in their forties and older wrestle. A mature fighter is a fiercer competitor, as a rule. Decades of pent-up rage make for a fearless and treacherous warrior. They often lack the exuberance and muscle-tone of the young, but they make up for them in wiliness, stubbornness, and dispassion. Somehow, at age forty a man loses ninety-nine percent of his desire to give a single fuck. 

The realization that youth doesn't hold a patent on wrestling hit me (appropriately enough) late in life, most powerfully when I first saw Asskickin4u wrestle LS Powerhouse, dramatically mismatched in size and both older than these guys. That fight popped my fly-buttons. I feel stiffer just thinking about it. I blogged about the match twice: here and here

D.Dan and Marco Napoli have higher win averages than their trainer, Etienne, though undoubtedly that is due to Etienne's having faced more opponents than the two newcomers have. This match is sexy, but not X-rated. Cock and ass are briefly on display, but the workout never goes further than some frisky fondling. Etienne lords over his proteges, especially the six-foot Italian new guy. He steps on Marco's face while D.Dan holds the man down (fifth GIF); then, he kneels on Marco's forearm to steal a kiss from D.Dan (last GIF). The tight, grunting holds made me bust a nut.

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