The Wringer

Drew Harper vs Leo Langston, Catalog 30 - Holiday Surprise (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

Harper puts new muscle-boy Langston through his paces. Langston has the raw material for success, and he catches on fast, but not fast enough to fend off an increasingly aggressive Harper. The moves are standard issue, but Harper adds the extra roughness that separates the tough guys from the thrill-seeking tourists.  Leo's hard muscle protects him at first, but then Drew digs in, and Leo has never been sorer at the end of any other 28 minutes in his life. The recruit's timing is not bad, and he learns a lot about pacing from Drew, who nevertheless leaves his knuckle prints all over Langston's hunky physique. With this match, Drew says goodbye to his happy-go-lucky jock-next-door persona and proves himself a master in breaking balls and taking the showroom shine off a promising newcomer.

Visit MuscleBoy here.


  1. Hi there. I just opened an erotic wrestling site, Eros Pankration. It is currently hosted currently at,, and I am about to film my first match and would love it if you reviewed it in your blog.

    I am sorry this post is not germane to the match you're reviewing, but there is no "Contact us" link in your blog.

    Thank you for your time.


    1. I wish you all the best with Eros Pankration, Jeremy. I'm not currently connected to any of the sites you listed, but other visitors to this blog are and will be interested. I have blogged on some of your earlier matches on BG East vs Brad Rochelle and (this past May) Joe Robbins. Good work, and I hope the new site is a great success! I look forward to hearing about your upcoming match with Ryan Ripped!

    2. I forgot to give you my contact info -


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