Marco's Slow Burn

Marco Thunder vs Vinny Motz, Rookie Wrecker (Wrestler4Hire)

Jock, bully, punk, roughneck, brute - Marco's style is unlike that of most heels. He doesn't rant. He's soft-spoken with little or no vocal inflection. His voice remains monotonously soothing in the midst of submitting or destroying his opponent. He favors long holds and prolonged humiliations. Intentionally or not, he is a master of Chinese torture's slow, lingering death - lingchi. He totally pushes the right buttons to turn me on. 

W4H nails it in the 2017 match's online description: "Marco never cracks a smile, yet manages to somehow look perpetually amused from start to finish." His strikes are minimal, but surgically precise. The guy knows his craft. His icy non-smile puts him in the top 1-pecent of wrestling heels.

My dick became a big fan of Marco's when, early in his underground wrestling career, he volunteered to beat up a fellow wrestler who had intentionally injured Austin Cooper. He wanted to do the deed on camera. Reportedly, he made the offer earnestly and with chilling indifference. My cock was stiff for a month after hearing that. The head of the promotion, the guy who shared the anecdote with me, said no, of course.

When Marco puts on Vinny's letter jacket, I'm reminded of how aroused I was when I returned home and my boyfriend at the time greeted me, wearing my clothes. Like Marco, the boyfriend (still a friend, though miles and miles away) was soft-spoken and appreciated a good fight. 

The way Marco downplays his menace makes him seem all the more menacing. Make too much of being the heel and you're just clowning around. Marco's fully aware of the effect he has on me and other fans. His wry amusement at his opponent's suffering makes us melt. And his punishments are measured and real.

Visit Wrestler4Hire here.


  1. Great review, as usual. But please, we are all dying to know who was the wrestler who intentionally hurt Austin Cooper, and in what match? Please?

    1. Like all the best sages and holders of ancient wisdom, I knew once but have now forgot. Sorry.

    2. Was it Frey (Austin) versus Skyler at Thunders? I know in that one Skyler put a seriously dangerous hold on Frey's neck that pissed him off and caused him to storm off set for a bit to cool down.

    3. That sounds right and familiar, but I don't remember. Recollection of the rumor physically affects me the way word of a fight after school did, decades ago.


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