
T-World gets off on punishing sloppy, unprepared wrestlers like Fabulous Freddie Flash. They're easy prey, and T likes to hurt people without expending obvious effort in doing so.  For the crime of trying on T-World's UKWH championship belt, T headbutts the feckless challenger and grinds his ear against the top rope, among assorted other punishments. He doesn't break a sweat once in the 18-minute bout. He's a cold and masterful assassin, and he clearly enjoys tearing clueless Freddie a new asshole.

The UKWH world is relatively new to me, but I have already pegged champion T-World as a cold-blooded heel, the kind of tall, dark, and handsome villain I like most in all the world. His roster profile says he is "Built of pure Solid muscle and gritty determination." He's lean with rawboned facial features, a school bully straight out of Central Casting. His upper lip bares his incisors every time he delivers a killer blow. It's almost like he wants to gnaw Freddie's face off. The man's a barracuda in skimpy black trunks. Poor Freddie is raw bait, doomed, deliciously doomed.

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