Tripp Gets His

Ty Shadow vs Tripp Evans, Catalog 33 - Wrestling for Pride (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

Ty and Tripp are the same weight. Tripp has a couple of matches on Ty, taking on some tough customers, most recently Joey Nux. He lacks Ty's polished style and hard grip, but he brings mega-energy to the mat room. Loaded with beaming self-confidence, Tripp seems unaware of the coolheaded stealth and quiet but merciless resolve of his opponent. In turn, Ty sees nothing in Tripp but a target.

As a wrestler, and a fairly new one, Ty Shadow reminds me of other wrestlers who bring style to the mat, composed, yet relentless Austin Tyler and Jesse Zane, meticulous and heartless destroyers. Like Tyler and Zane, Shadow moves stealthily. Seemingly emotionless, Shadow is not without ambition, and he has a taste for hurting an opponent. I most admire him when he keeps the fight close to the mat, where he chokes, grinds, and wrings Tripp Evans. Ty wears the guy down, then finishes him off.

Along with Wrestlingmale, MuscleBoy has more or less made the first half of 2022 its own, at a time when some other promotions appear to be losing focus. MBW concentrates on the hard-to-pinpoint link between fucking and fighting, sometimes swaying more towards one than the other, but always keeping both up front. Shadow versus Evans balances the two well, with two headstrong grapplers with contrary personalities.

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