Steve Sterling vs Bret Ballard

Bret Ballard vs Steve Sterling, Hollywood Musclehunk Wrestling 3 (BG Enterprise)

This 1991 singles match features two team fighters from HMW3's first match, at the end of which Steve pins Bret's brother, Rikki*. I have to admit I'm for Sterling here, as well. My GIFs focus primarily on Steve's spots, while pushing Bret's to the margins - the first and last GIFs. I'd rather watch Steve beat the shit out of Bret than vice versa.

Steve plays both roles, heel and local hero, equally well. In this match, his opponent seeks vengeance - a tasty inducement all by itself. More than that, though, I like watching clean-cut Sterling beat the tar out of the show-off longhair. Steve was a teenager when he fought his first BG Enterprise match. He is 21 in this match, a couple of years older than Ballard.

Sterling stands at 5'6" and weighs 180 pounds - shorter but heavier than his opponent, who stands at 5'8" and weighs 165 pounds. The give and take of this match confirms that they are well matched here, nevertheless.

*Twins Bret and Rikki battle each other in Hollywood Musclehunk Wrestling 2, their only other BG appearance.

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