Cut Down to Size

Ace Aarons vs Nathan FX, Demolition 35 (BG East)

Nathan FX doesn't have a chance against Ace Aarons. He might as well tattoo "demolished" across his chest. He is doomed from the moment he steps into the ring with Ace. He has lost all three of his previous BGE matches, bested by Kirk Donahue, Kayden Keller, and Freddy Campbell. But we can't define a wrestler just by his number of wins.

Nathan brings a certain style to underground wrestling. He is pale, tall, slim, unmarked, sexy, and aloof. His frosted, tousled hair and patchy beard mark him as a hipster, if not a bad guy. He has an air of contempt for other wrestlers, making it okay for them to kick the shit out of him. He doesn't have to act like a snob for us to hate him. His looming presence in a match marks him as somebody we'd like to punch in the face. He is a quiet and independent loner. He doesn't even have to do or say anything to mark him as bad - he just is. He is the ANTI boy next door.

Ace's roots are in professional wrestling. He's a heel, but he's the people's heel. He has a big ego and a nasty disposition, and he is a master destroyer of opponents, especially the pretty ones. He enters a ring already enraged about something or other. He exudes confidence, and he owns a ring by stepping into it. In a match like this one, it's easy to cheer when he cuts Nathan FX down to size. Ace is a master tactician, well grounded in pro-wrestling holds and punishments. He is fun to watch, and his quips are surly. He acts like he doesn't need fans to cheer for him, which makes us cheer for him.

This match is currently available in the Arena at BG East, as an Own-to-Arena product and as Video-On-Demand.

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