Squeeze Me

The two parts of NHB 237 incorporate frottage - rubbing up against a clothed person for the sake of sexual stimulation. The good news is that Bronco and Cesaria are not fully clothed. The bad news is neither appears particularly stimulated either. I don't know the rationale behind dividing 237 into two parts. My best guess is "money." That said, I can watch Bronco get prodded, squeezed, petted, and massaged all day. The same goes for Cesario, though Bronco is my preferred thirst quencher. 

Most of the segments are modeled on wrestling postures, but they fall a little short of actual grappling. Bronco is easygoing, just barely responsive to Cesario's provocations, but gorgeous, nonetheless. There's no detectable stimulation in their actions, another reason why "frottage" is not the best word to describe the actions on display. To be honest, I wish they had wrestled and stripped each other down to their tans - but I don't call the shots. 

Gifs one through four are from Part 1; five through eight are from Part 2. Bronco is more successful in the first block. Cesario is more successful in the second, but for me, it's all about Bronco. I seldom get a clear take on the grapplers' emotions or motivations, but I love the muscle on display. Sometimes muscles plus traces of sweat are all I need.

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  1. I'm still waiting for ANY wrestling company to feature Bronco in full out domination of a smaller guy.


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