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Drew Harper vs Javier the Hunk, Drew Gets Schooled (Underground Wrestler)

I love that Underground Wrestler green lighted an honest fight between these two wrestlers. Most of us fans knew what the outcome would be, but how Drew and Javier would reach the outcome is what makes the match work. Both are skilled grapplers, Javier more than Drew - the guy is a crocodile on a mat. Drew is tough, too, but in a fair, unscripted fight the odds are that Javier will come up on top.

I appreciate Underground Wrestler's commitment to legit battles. The company has some lighthearted showpieces, too, and UW is not alone in providing us with unscripted competition. You know the rules - the wrestler who makes his opponent submit the most times is the winner. Both Javier and Drew submit at least once in this match. Both are in tiptop shape, and both are determined to prevail.

This match is hot and genuine rough-and-tumble. I might have enjoyed it more if the blurb had not advertised the outcome. It's just about perfect as it is, though.

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