Paying for It

Bronco vs Ryder, Custom Video Series 167 (Thunders Arena)

I have not yet ordered a customized match. I have a good imagination, so I can concoct a match that meets my jerk-off needs, and I wouldn't want to spend a thousand dollars or more and be disappointed by a misinterpretation of my fantasy. But I am tempted. I enjoy watching custom fights, when they are released to the public. They reveal obsessions that are cater-cornered to my own and sometimes hotter than anything I would have thought of. 

Bronco handles Ryder like a bale of cotton, none too gently, more interested in flexing than polishing off some wannabe Arena star. The ritual-like repetitions kind of turn me on, but Bronco playing a tuba in his shiny green thong would probably do the trick also. I have a thing for Bronco - among many many wrestlers I have things for. He resembles a guy I used to play-wrestle when I lived in Florida, so there's a font of pleasant memories he stirs up.

CVS 167 is mainly a pack of bearhugs - hard and sexy hugs - with a spine stomp or two for variety and a fair amount of flexing. It's more a muscle exhibition than a wrestling match, but Bronco makes that okay by me.

Visit Thunders Arena here.


  1. I am in your Bronco camp. Ryder is out of his league but seems he endures. I am glad when I can run across a requisitioned match. I wish I had that kind of disposable funds. Fun read as always. signed, Jason


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