With Dick to Spare

Tom Bravo vs Tripp Evans (Hunkswrestling)

Tom Bravo has caught my eye in earlier matches at Hunkswrestling, but this match against American wrestler Tripp Evans makes me want a piece of him. Tripp is terrific, definitely, but he doesn't eclipse Bravo, who turns in a fine fight and showcases an impressive physique, best viewed in gifs #3, #4, #6, and #7. Yum!

It's a rugged fight, fueled by hot temper, and Tripp is at his peak as a badass. What's most remarkable about him is his skill in dishing out pain. He LOVES hurting dudes, and he does it so smoothly it's easy to forget how difficult it must be, especially in taking on someone as heavy and statuesque as Bravo. Both Tripp and Tom are superstar material, and this 37-minute fight chisels this fact in stone.

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