Wound TIght

Drew Harper vs Chico, Chico and the Man (Underground Wrestler)

Drew Harper could do everything he does here in his sleep. He is not sleeping, and though he's not smiling, on some level he enjoys tearing into the slim and tender Chico. Drew is "the Man" credited in the product title, and Underground Wrestler is tossing Chico to the lions. 

Most heels smile when they're working a guy. I just realized it's been a while since I saw even a hint of a smile on Drew's face. It's understandable that he doesn't smile when it's his ass getting kicked. But there's not a glimmer of enthusiasm when he destroys his opponent. At least when he trounced Tyson Carter for MuscleBoy way back in the summer of '22, there was a flicker of self-satisfaction at the end.

He doesn't smile because he's not a sadist (or a masochist). He's a cowboy, and his intensity is focused on getting the job done and done right. It's a matter of professionalism. He knows how to inflict pain, big pain that's felt weeks after the match is over. It's possible he gets no pleasure from other people's suffering, but he likes getting the job done and cashing the check. If somebody needs a whupping, Drew's the man you call.

Enjoy the ride, Chico. Looks like the taser didn't do the trick. Damn that must hurt!

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