Sven, The Sequel

Sven Lund vs Steve Mason (Hunkswrestling)

Sven Lund returns to the Barcelona bar where he hooked up with Jonathan Alvarez last year, in a match that started weak but ultimately revealed Jonathan's pluck, pluck that, in the end, muscular Sven squashed hard. Sven is back for more. The two arm-wrestle on the bar top, with Steve Mason watching a foot away. Sven wins easily. Jonathan urges Sven to take on Steve, an accomplished technical wrestler and a producer of wrestling videos.

Steve and Sven square off in the mat room for some good, old-fashioned grappling. This match is similar to the Lund-Alvarez pairing. It's a fairly good but awkwardly one-sided match. Sven is all muscle and a pinch of technique, whereas Steve draws upon technical skills. Technique is great, but it's hard to strongarm a boulder. 

The emphasis is on chokes, bearhugs, leglocks, chin locks, and claw holds. Mason deserves respect for stepping on the mat with Lund. Lund is game, enjoying the ride, no doubt enjoying the pressure of muscle on muscle. I have to respect a guy who pulls off his T-shirt to arm-wrestle the bartender. His weight, muscles perfectly assembled, gives him the obvious advantage. 

Sidenote: I want to lick Sven all over, but that's just typical me.

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  1. I love that new bodybuilder. It seems that Jonathan and Steve got beaten hard by him. I wonder if someone of the roster is capable to beat him.

  2. Would love a three-way match between Sven, Tom, and Ivan!


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