Hammer Time

Tyson Hammer vs Street Prince, Street Fight! (Black Wrestling Network)

The Network has wiped the smile off Tyson's face. Now he smiles far less than he did back in the UCW, and I think that's a good thing. He looks way more self-assured now. Of course, a tough attitude is not enough to fend off the inborn rage of Street Prince. 

Prince approaches Tyson with a hammer, supposedly a tribute to Tyson's wrestling name. It's a tremendously bad-ass move on Prince's part, and you don't have to read the script to see what's about to happen.

That Tyson falls for it for even a millisecond suggests weakness. But after a stretch of Prince's abuses, the Hammer strikes back. It's a short cluster of dynamite forecasting the violence to come.  Everything happens so suddenly that I barely notice anything until it zooms right past me.

Hammer is amazing in this match. So too is Prince as the bad guy. Hammer is in a heap of trouble. There's no denying that. Can he break free and triumph? He has in the past but is he able to pull the stops and give Prince a merciless trouncing? In the final minutes, it turns out that he does.

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