
Lobo Gris vs Hero Dash, Singlet Match (Wrestlethewolf)

I don't speak the language, but I like how Hero and Lobo communicate. Lobo Gris is truly the toughest and most gentlemanly of all underground wrestlers I know of. My earliest memory of him is of him and BodySlam sitting together on a couch in 2020, laughing and talking about the food they miss from home. Lobo can be mean, and he can be flirty, and he wrestles like nobody else in the world, crossing from rage to a French kiss in half a second.

Hero Dash (in translucent pink) is up for the ride. He and Lobo do not behave sillily or fiercely. They aren't roleplaying. They are, I think, spontaneous. Their kisses are full of passion, and the tumbles are more for the pure joy of rolling a few feet with another dude than for dramatic effect or wrath.  Lobo can and often does fight with both fists, but he enjoys a lively romp even more, I think. He and Hero alike are drawn to frottage and horseplay. So, the gifs above are my picks for best rowdy roughhouse and best friendly romp.

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  1. Singlets are super hot. As a younger man I owned 2 - one red one aqua. Though I didn’t wrestle I regularly would wear them (sans underwear of course) and without pulling them down jack off while watching Tito Santana or z-Man or anyone else. The combo of the action and men on the screen and cum seeping thru my singlet often got me hard again. I’ll take Dash in his singlet any day.


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