Lil D vs Sir Dark

Lil D vs Sir Dark, The Angry E-Match (WatchFighters)

Here's a cock-stiffener if I ever saw one: Sir Dark taking on street-tough Lil D in a rude and nasty rematch. Lil D knows nasty, it comes to him naturally, and he steps on the mat to take chivalrous Dark down hard. He sees through Dark's aristocratic airs and diffident manner. He wants to destroy him and show fans what a fraud he is.

On the other side, Sir Dark finds Lil D's behavior unbecoming and ill-mannered. He accepts D's challenge in order to cut him down to size. In short, he's fed up with the punk's unchecked impudence. In reality, beneath Dark's pretense of nobility, there's a decadent, arrogant core. He gets off on persecuting his opponents, no one more than Lil D, and he wants to crush D flat.

I watched the earlier match - the notorious Milk-His-Face Match, perhaps my favorite match of all time. I haven't blogged on it because words fail me. It brought these two wrestlers to this point. Watching them fight other contenders gets me just as horny, even more when their opponents are equal to them in guile and brutality. Bad vs Bad is high stakes and tasty in ways that fair play and gentlemanliness cannot hope to reach.

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  1. I hope you review Sir Dark vs Denny Hellbo


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