Lord of the Ring

Forrest Taylor vs Jesse Zane, Catalog 49: A New Era (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

The match is mainly a showcase for MuscleBoy's long-awaited ring wrestling matches - the tight grips, the hard blows, the massage of crotch on crotch. It exemplifies MBW's balance of eroticism and combat. With no notice, Jesse and Forrest move from liplocks to hairpulling. It's not surprising that Jesse dominates the meet or that Forrest scrubs his body against Jesse's. Boyish horseplay is the secret formula that provides gusts of triumph and ecstasy. Taylor has never been as forceful as he is in this match, yet he remains smooth as silk against Jesse, MuscleBoy's master of punishments and provocations.

Visit MuscleBoy here.


  1. Jesse Zane always delivers.I like some matches in MBW. Not the naked or sexual ones. I am more into the matches like Roger Atlas vs Greco .Much hotter for me


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