
Trevthor vs Alex Garcia (Underground Wrestler)

It has been a while since I have been able to access Underground Wrestler. This match arrived by email, but I can't locate it at Underground or at Wrestler4Hire, where Trevthor and Garcia squared off in a number of matches. 

I'm barred from accessing UW matches at the former website. When I try, I get this message: "This site is not accessible in your state due to age verification laws. We are sorry. We don't believe our content is prohibited by the statutes. But, currently the site is not available in the states with the statutes."

So far, my state allows content from every other underground wrestling promotion. "So far," I emphasize.

This match has fine moments, most evidently the wrestlers' glee in pinching, scissoring, and ball-grabbing. The battle makes no effort to rise above pretend-wrestling. I'm okay with that because it reminds me of my boyhood. I watched Trevthor vs Garcia while comparing it to my youthful hijinks. These are guys who like to horse around, and their boyish smiles and self-consciousness give them away - rascals that they are. 


  1. Ive seen that message to when my IP goes through Virginia, but if you use a VPN trout through another state then you can connect to site

    1. Hey, I was wondering how do I use a VPNtrout? I am interested, I am Texas and they have Underground Wrestling blocked- so stupid !


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