Release the Beast!

TJ Reks vs Nathan FX (Wrestler4Hire)

Reason number one. These guys go after each other nonstop. No posing. No intros. No sizing each other up. These guys are grappling from the opening frame. Within a minute, Nathan gets TJ in a reverse facelock and recklessly drops him to the mat. You could break somebody's neck doing that! The next three minutes pack more energy than most 20-minute matches. And FX and Reks keep up the pace. This is the liveliest, rowdiest fight I have seen in a while, yet it's all in fun - no attitude, no bad blood, just the joy of brawling. 

Reason number two. Do you even need to ask? I am totally in love with the leopard-print loincloth. My earliest childhood boners were the upshot, outcome, and reverberation of obsessive attention to old Tarzan movies on TV. Obviously, the gear clashes with TJ's star-quarterback haircut, but that only adds to my fantasy of time-traveling back to the clean-cut yet seedy world of AMG (see Reason number three  below).

Reason number three. The pallor of these slim white boys has an edge all its own. This is Wonder Bread made flesh. In build and attitude they reincarnate the old Athletic Model Guild and Physique Pictorial  models of the 1950s. TJ and Nathan look like they just got off the bus in Santa Monica and got blown by Sal Mineo on the way to Bob Mizer's house. Now in 2019, the art form (bouncy showing off as opposed to porn or sport) is reaching its full potential.

Reason number four. The battle's messiness is a plus. It combines the impact of bumper cars with the heat of body contact. I often enjoy fight choreography, but, honestly, raw, scruffy roughhouse for kicks tightens my scrotum more. Nathan and TJ hold nothing back. No move is so perfectly executed as to distract from the pleasures of picking a fight with somebody. This video captures the male competitive spirit better than anything I have seen in a while.

Reason number five. The glimmer of light reflected off the sweat on TJ's chest 17 minutes into the battle. To this moment the action has been nonstop. Lots of grunts, squawks, beatings, yelps, and chuckles, but no breaks. In the end, TJ binds his own arms between the top and middle ropes, inviting Nathan to pull his hair and punch him hard in the belly (as Joey Nux did in Reks's 2018 debut). This is the earliest sign that the two men are slowing down (the match reaches a clear-cut yet  amicable end a few minutes later). As I have stated elsewhere, my favorite part of a match is when the wrestlers wear themselves down to a frazzle.

In sum, this 21-minute beauty is my favorite of all the W4H matches I have seen. Few matches anywhere have got this close to my ideal of what underground wrestling should be. My hat's off to you, Cameron and company! I was a doubter, but Wrestler4Hire just shot up to the top of my list.

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