
John Skyler vs VsK, 7 September 2019, Raleigh, North Carolina (Big Time Wrestling)

VsK's match against John Skyler was the standout among several fine matches at last night's Big Time show. I must admit the 32-year-old  New Yorker's rugged good looks account for 75% of the fight's appeal for me. No photo or video I shot from ringside conveys the electricity that surrounds this guy, who combines elements reminiscent of favorite indie wrestlers like Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. (In 2011, four years into his pro-ring career, I posted twice on the guy, briefly, here and here.)

His opponent Skyler is probably the best heel I've seen live and in person. The guy is plain old mean, with an icy contempt for fans that may well be genuine. It feels that way anyway. He and VsK alike give and take a dozen or more hard slams and then bounce back to their feet for more. And split-second (and sometimes midair) reversals keep us fans on our toes. Nothing's a sure thing until the final three-count.

I paid such, um, taut  attention to this match that at one point my friend leaned over and said, not even whispering, "Perv." I shrugged, as if to say, "Guilty as charged."  Unfortunately, my camera-phone doesn't provide the sharpest images, but the GIFs below suggest the flavor of the battle, which kept my heart pounding the whole time.

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