The Rougher the Better Is Oh So Right!

Derek Bolt vs Taylor Reign, Catalog 16 - The Rougher the Better! (MuscleBoy Wrestling)

Taylor front-loads MBW's Catalog 16 with sufficient BAM! to ensure that his slim, fit body will ingest a tub-load of Derek's jism before all is said and done. He's determined to take the strongman down and make him his personal Slurpee machine, and he is perfectly okay knowing that such a prize comes with a lot of pain. Midway through, the trunks get lost in the shuffle, and between protracted make-out sessions, the two attack each other naked - and hold nothing back out of consideration of their man-parts. And those parts are mouthwatering!

In situations like this one, it's hard to tell which man is the luckier. Bolt has the kind of bulk you can bounce on all day and night. Taylor has the finesse to turn competition into cum-petition, leaving the boundary between the two undetectable. The Catalog 16 description is dead-on when it tells us "this is the roughest we've ever seen" of these two wrestlers, and the match marks a milestone in the development of MBW's patented "hard romance" style of wrestling eroticism.

In a stunning reversal of expectations, Taylor's speed and bad-ass boldness dominate a long stretch of the match's first third. Bolt delivers some stiff countermoves, but the first 20 minutes belong to Reign. When Bolt takes the reins, so to speak, trunks get peeled off and the temperature rises even as the action slows down like the end of a wet dream. Bolt takes Reign's camo trunks and feeds them to the tough boy even as Taylor's eyes drill holes through Derek's skull. (Eye contact, my friends, it's the soul of seduction.)

At the 55-minute match's midpoint, the line between sex and violence is so exquisitely blurred as to rob both words of their power. These guys have plenty of fans, but you don't have to be in either man's corner to feel the punch this match delivers - far beyond what either wrestler has presented in previous bouts.

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