Classic Demolition

Austin Cooper vs Kip Sorell, Demolition 29 (BG East)

The centerpiece of Demolition 29  spotlights two of BGE's finest specimens of man-flesh, both too often taken for granted. Years ago, when a couple of friends were flippantly curious about my fetish for wrestling, I showed them a few minutes of Sorell's BGE debut against Kid Karisma. My friends had scoffed at my interest in wrestling. One look at Kip and Kid K, and they were converts, dumbstruck particularly by Sorell's beauty.

My favorite here is Austin Cooper, here at the peak of his virility - beefy, tan, confidant, central casting's picture of a Roman centurion. When I first wrote about him, some nine years ago, I got wound up in the word images his and his opponent's physiques inspired, but it's clear that I was impressed with both athletes. Austin's eighteen-month partnership with Jake Jenkins turned both into superstars. Professionalism and an easygoing style have brought him a career that's longer and more diverse than can be said of most underground wrestlers.

About this match, though. It's a classic Demolition event, but its distinctions are worth noting. First, it's more give and take than most BGE matches are. The last act keeps us waiting to find out who demolishes whom in the end - though the cues are in place for the usual Demolition hierarchy of heel (Coop) over babyface (Kip). Sorrell puts up a good counter-fight - more pugnacious than I had ever seen him, And, second, even at his most defenseless, Kip struggles - and struggles fiercely - to turn the situation around. Often, the jobber is just a wrestling dummy for the heel. This was all the more noticeable because the previous match was not just one-sided; the jobber appeared utterly without defenses or gumption from start to finish. (That match had its own sadomasochistic thrills, but I was overjoyed to see Sorrell put up his best fight to date, and in a match against a wrestling god like Cooper, too.)

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  1. The thing that irritates me about this match, well, isn't really this match. It's Kip Sorrell.

    I've never seen one in which he's won. I think he's occasionally taken a fallor round, but not a match.

    Maybe I shouldn't complain for him. After all he continues to make these videos.

    But he got all it takes to be a winner. He can even be aggressive or mean. At least occasionally. It disappoints me that, TMK, he hasn't had any victories.


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