Jungle Cruising

As the name Ringside at Skull Island implies, nothing mixes better with wrestling than jungle adventure. And it's even better when the dude in the loincloth looks astoundingly like my ex of 30 years ago, with the bull-headed Danny Del Toro kicking his monkey ass, perfection! The name Greystroke is, of course, a porny allusion to the jungle lord Tarzan, master of my earliest boners. There was no way this match could disappoint. It practically has my name written on it.

Greystroke is absolutely Del Toro's perfect foil. He looks good in leopard, he's athletically built, and he sells like a pro. But he has met his worst nightmare in the tattooed skinhead, so wild a mangler he makes Tarzan look like the Scarlet Pimpernel. The spitfire Latino wants to mess up hairy-chested Greystroke on first sight, and who can blame him? The guy has hair to pull, bare toes to peel apart, and insouciance that begs for a good hammering.

Along with the name Greystroke, the ring banter brims with double-entendres. "I got a tree you could climb on!" Danny declares at the outset. When Danny grabs his thong, Alexander quips, "You wanna take it off, don't you?" Later, Danny threatens, "I'm about to make you my Jane." The back and forth puts words to what the action achieves on its own  The prolonged but brutal body contact makes the match seethe with m/m heat.

This is Danny Del Toro's third W4H match, and it may be his best, confirming my estimate of the "superstar" in his first contest, immediately joining "the ranks of Eli Black and Rex Bedford, lean but sadistic heel-deities who show no mercy." All three of DDT's matches are instant classics. I'll be looking forward to more of Alexander Greystroke, too. The guy is the best kind of jobber, fighting determinedly when all hope is lost and looking great as the heel kicks the shit out of him.

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