Neck and Neck

Elite Eliot vs Christian Thorn, Catalog 3 (NHB Fights)

Now that Eliot is quitting professional wrestling, can I at least hope he stays with underground wrestling, in particular with mat wrestling? His match here with Christian Thorn is give-and-take heaven, and both wrestlers look as confident as they are boyfriend-able. Two smooth bodies like these need to be intertwined and slapping one another to the mat with speed and force.

I would have liked sweat, too, but honestly this fight works fine without it. Eliot has 45 pounds and some inches on Christian, but on the mat the two look well matched. Otherwise built similarly and equally aggressive,  they have enough chemistry to fill up a couple of rematches down the line, I hope I hope I hope. Subtle eroticism and a hint of animosity should make everybody money, to say nothing of the value of their just-right gear.

With a little provocation at the beginning Christian revs himself and Eliot for a tight and tasty brawl. No sooner does one guy score a point, the other raises his to match. It's satisfying to see wrestlers this well trained and ready to grapple neck and neck. This is a fight I will not tire of after multiple viewings. It reminds me a lot of Christian's bout with Tanner Martin in 2018.

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