Serves Him Right

Clayton Gainz vs The Muscle, Smash X CZW, Sarnia (Smash and CZW)

This summer of 2018 match is pure textbook pro wrestling. In this case the textbook's publication date is around 1980. The fight is entirely predictable. If there's a single surprise in the match, it slid right past me. Oh, and I love it! From the opening lockup ...

to the test of strength ...

to a wrestler named The Muscle who is less jacked than his local hero opponent (Clayton Gainz, who reminds me of Jessy Sorensen) ...

to the crowd cheering on their hero and full-force hating the heel ...

to the heel having more personality than the hero ...

to leaps off the corner ropes ...

to blows delivered against the turnbuckle ...

to the heel pulling the babyface up at the two-count so he can punish him even more ...

and so forth. The whole thing is stagey as fuck, but it's a nice fuck.

One of the comments on YouTube objects to The Muscle wearing jeans, apparently to hide his skinny legs. One, I'm not a fan of skinny legs, but I prefer legs that are slim to legs that look like torpedoes. And I like the torso rising from the waistline and spreading in a V shape like tree limbs, the legs being the trunk. And I like wrestling in jeans - the "second skin"; I think they're sexy, especially with no shirt. (Long tights are a different story.)

Do I recommend this video? I don't know. If you like the GIFs, there's a good chance you'll like the full ten-minute match.

Visit Smash Wrestling here, and visit Combat Zone Wrestling here.


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