Let the Sunshine In

Krush vs Vin Green, Summer Slam-Down (Krushco)

Sunrays land on two bodies in the throes of combat. The image is beautiful, distinct, dramatic, and full of color. On the mat, the bodies lie horizontal in perpetual struggle. Mostly the limbs are used as weapons, but a canvas belt is introduced later in the match. Krush and Vin Green struggle over its ownership and use it to choke each other. The setup and the gorgeous flourishes of light - the outdoors quietly slipping inside through the windowpanes - are 100-percent Krushco, unmistakably a part of Krush's mindset and artistry.

It's not all poetry, though. The struggle is heavy and intense. Vin does his best to submit his powerful opponent, Krush has plans of his own for Vin. Trunks stay on for the first six minutes, then tear off for the remaining 20. Few words are spoken, but the heavy breathing and sudden surprised yelps articulate everything we need to know. Cock never strays far from cock. I like that. There's nothing tentative or sheepish about the pressure of skin on skin. There's nothing boyish, either. Krush and Vin are refreshingly mature, leaving the kid stuff to other promotions - though I recall a sci-fi gimmick from years ago. Nothing in the world is free of aberrations. Krush and his hard-living crew don't have stories to tell. They have energy to set loose - like ocean waves and like the sun.

Visit Krushco here. (GIFs courtesy of Krushco)


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