Don't Fence Me In [Spoilers]

Chandler Hopkins vs Joe Demaro, Texas Grand Prix Von Erich Block (New Texas Pro Wrestling)

This is a match from November of 2020. The acrobatics are nice, but I'm here for the punches, slams, chokes, and arm and leg locks. Chandler exudes passion and determination, and he has a very fine torso - wiry, not bulgy, but definitely strong. He's also a gentleman cowboy - he destroys Demaro and then holds the guy's arm up in the end for the crowd's show of appreciation. Demaro deserves it. He does a good job of raking Hopkins over the coals, and Hopkins does a very fine job of making him pay for it. It's a simple and unadorned 15-minute angle that works. Someday I'd like Chandler to calf-rope an opponent. Keep your ears up, and let me know if you hear of such a match. Evidently this fight was shot in the thick of the pandemic (and we're not out of the woods yet), Chandler seems determined to entertain the fuck out of the small, appreciative crowd - and us fans on YouTube, too.

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