Live in Loughton

Matthew Nicholson vs Kylo Reece, Live in Loughton (WrestleForce)

Kylo Reece looks like the outgoing happy-go-lucky fellow you see humming whimsical tunes while riding his bike. He's good looking, though more thickly muscled than my description might lead you to imagine. He's a pro wrestler. The crowd loves him. He loves the crowd. Matthew Nicholson, his opponent for this April 10th match, is a nasty-tempered no-holds-barred cagefighter, who feels that booking him to fight Kylo is an intentional insult to his years of mma training. Perpetually scowling, he intends to make a spectacle of his utter demolition of Kylo Reece. 

Kylo wears black, white, and gold trunks. According to the WrestleForce website, he is proficient at parkour and gymnastics. Matthew "Knockout" Nicholson wears blue and white. He is an mma fighter in real life. Both men are exceptionally good-looking. WrestleForce imbues this seemingly familiar plotline with suspense and quick and erratic camera movements, rapid cuts, and low-angle shots of Nicholson in particular. A very striking heel, Nicholson is often terrifying in his fits of rage. The tension between him and Kylo Reece and between him and the Loughton crowd is palpable.

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